In the 4D, knots are left behind!
Knots live in the 3-dimensional space only. Based on the Knot Theory, one cannot tie knots in the 4D. In our visible 3D reality, however, we have to invest efforts to untie things, and yet we do not always succeed in doing so.
Normally, humans are not able to sense the 4th dimension. Are there any means that still could help us gain this experience?
In VR, there are no physical limitations. Surfaces penetrate each other freely, so that, for example, one does not have to look for the “correct” cord to untie a knot: the cords – and objects in general – can just dissolve into one another. In light of this, I suggest that VR can serve as a model of the 4th dimension and thus make it accessible for our visual perception. At any rate, untying knots in VR doesn't take much.
In the 4D, knots are left behind! (VR Visualization)

In the 4D, knots are left behind!
Exhibition Project
The exhibition can include a series of video screens, VR effect with VR Headset (which allows the viewer to get the experience of being inside of the 4th dimension space) and prints.
In the 4D, knots are left behind! (Video Exhibition Visualization)
In the 4D, knots are left behind!

In the 4D, knots are left behind! (Video 01)
In the 4D, knots are left behind! (Video 02)
In the 4D, knots are left behind! (Video 03)
Knot is the Knot. Knot is the Word. (Video)
A Bond of Life

A Bond of Life
The expression “A BOND OF LIFE” is a translation of The Hebrew term "tzror ha-hayim" which refers to a realm where the souls of the righteous rest in safety.
The Memorial Prayer "Yizkor" has the following words: "May his soul be bound up in the bond of life with the souls of all the other righteous men and women who are in Gan Eden”.
The words "A BOND OF LIFE" are part of a phrase commonly engraved on Jewish tombstones or used in references to the dead, meaning "may their spirits be bound in the bond of eternal life."
AI and my Knots Concept
Two AI-powered image generators are gaining popularity on social media – Midjourney, built into Discord, and DALL•E 2 by OpenAI. Both of them suggest using as input a text describing the desired result.
As a rule, users try to “explain” to AI, using the most precise language possible, what kind of image they want to receive from it as an output.
Instead of describing the image, I decided to offer both AIs the following concept, which is the basis of my art project (375 characters is the limit of input text for DALL•E):
“In the 4D, knots are left behind! Based on the Knot Theory, one cannot tie knots in the 4D. In the 3D, however, we have to invest efforts to untie things. Normally, we are not able to sense the 4D. But in VR, there are no physical limitations. The objects can just dissolve into one another. So VR can serve as a model of the 4D and thus make it accessible for our perception”.
It is interesting to note that in the expression “Surfaces penetrate each other freely” DALL•E found a meaning forbidden by the rules, and this expression had to be removed from the text I entered.
As a result, each of the two AIs generated sequences of images. Alas, none of them reflects the concept I proposed. Midjourney focused on high quality photorealistic renderings of the complex knot, ignoring the rest of the concept. DALL•E produced a series of primitively rendered knots in varying degrees of "decoupling" and deformation, in no way reflecting the idea of the fourth dimension, adding to them incoherent fragments of text.
In my opinion, this small experiment defines the artist's place as a concept producer in a world that has objectively deprived him of the role of the sole producer of images. Such a world, producing and distributing images at a frantic speed 24x7, is not able to realize itself and generate any meanings. In addition, AI is retro-oriented, as it creates a “new” based on the processing of information about an existing one. In this situation, the role of the creator of new meanings that determine the vector of the future remains with the artist.

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