Natural fish is an inhabitant of the water element, which is associated with the unconscious. In the depths of the waters, knowledge is hidden that is invisible to humans but accessible to fish.
Today, AI neural networks study humans and nature to provide the most accurate and relevant information. These advanced systems analyze vast amounts of data from various sources to gain insights into human behavior, natural phenomena, and complex systems.
My digital fish is a symbol of AI residing in neural networks inaccessible to our understanding. Like a goldfish, AI can fulfill wishes.
7 images of fish created by AI from digits and computer codes and finished by me are accompanied by quatrains written by AI and set to music. The fishes are colored in 7 colors of the rainbow spectrum and symbolize 7 main human desires hidden in the depths of the subconscious. They are:
Safety and security
Love and belonging
Recognition and respect
Self-realization and personal growth
Freedom and independence
Immortality or overcoming the fear of death
Meaning of life and purpose of existence
This list is based on various psychological theories and research, including Maslow's hierarchy of needs and other concepts of depth psychology.
AI assisted video 4K, sound, 3'32"

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.

Image from the "AI Goldfish Granting Wish" project - a collaborative work by Galina Bleikh and AI neural networks.
Exhibitions Photos